“Generations to come, it may be“, Einstein had said of Mahatma Gandhi in 1944, “will scarcely believe that such one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon earth.” Now we have started hearing from prominent people the same wordings about boCHE ! He is a huge business conglomerate, the Chemmanur International group, and a world famous philanthropist. If we look at his versatile personality, we’ll understand that the comparison made above is apt. This is what a famous business magazine wrote about boCHE recently, “When quizzed about his favorite brand, he would only smile and point to his traditional attire (adopted a decade back leaving behind his meticulous suites) – a white mundu (dhoti) and a simple short sleeved top, saying, “this is the brand I’m carrying now since the last few years.” This clearly summarizes his simple, but eloquent personality.
It’s his great business acumen that led Chemmanur International grow into an international Jewellery chain traversing 4 continents and catering to 19 Crore people with an enviable annual turnover. His unique capabilities have won him several awards and accolades in entirely different categories such as PhD by World Records University, Excellent Young Businessman Award, the Best Humanitarian Award, Mother Theresa Award and Vijayashree Award, to name a few.
The contribution of Dr.Boby Chemmanur to the social services sector assumes immense value in today’s not so broadminded world and his efforts are much acclaimed by international communities. boCHE is the founder of Life Vision Charitable Trust. The vision of this renowned Indian entrepreneur-philanthropist is idealistic to the world as he shares the profit of his trade with the poor by starting Poor Homes wherever there are outlets of Chemmanur International Jewelers. He adopts destitute people from the street and provides them with shelter, food, clothing and medicines throughout their lives.
He undertook a record breaking marathon (812 km) in April 2014 from Kasaragod to Thiruvananthapuram for creating the World’s largest Blood Bank, which is an active forum donating blood when required for the needy. He was decorated with prestigious awards and honors from various organizations thus setting World Records in this niche. The marathon had created a ripple of awareness across the State and the Country and an estimated 14 Lakh donated blood for the noble cause. Some of the records set by the event and the person who led it, boCHE, are: The Kerala Book of Records; The Indian Book of Records; Asian Book of Records; and World Record Breaker (U.K.).
To conclude, we accept the fact we haven’t done full justice to the impressive and dynamic personality of boCHE in this short profile. In fact, it’s impossible to restrict his charisma and diversified activities (a kung fu fighter, a sharp shooter, a high jumper, a former footballer, a fitness freak who runs 10 km everyday etc.) into a static profile as he creates history and makes news every other day by ‘Conquer the world with Love.’